
Hannah Nations’ Graphics Portfolio

My Packaging Work

This page contains all of my packaging work done throughout my years at Clemson. Although I am only a packaging minor I find it so fascinating to design packaging. Many people do not consider packaging as an actual job because it is taken for granted. In fact, when I tell people I am a packaging minor, usually their first question is “Oh, what is that?”. It seems so far fetched but then when I explain what it is they realize it’s much more than the amazon boxes that show up at their front door. I have learned so much through packaging and I am excited to show you what I have been working on.

Snack Pouch Project

The purpose of this project was to design a snack pouch. I decided to design a caramel popcorn bag. I used red and white stripes for the background because popcorn always reminds me of a carnival or fair. The font I chose for the title was actually called popcorn- very fitting. I thought it added a lot to this design because it evokes a happy and bubbly emotion. I also added a little popcorn character to the bottom front of the bag, as if to give a mascot for this brand I was creating. The realistic cascading caramel popcorn at the top of the bag adds texture and contrast to the design as it is something realistic popping off of a digitally designed background. This project was one of my favorites because I had a great time designing it, the concept was so fun and it was especially exciting to be able to see my work in 3D.

Perfume Project

This project was one of the very first I got to create that resulted in having a hands-on copy of my work. The purpose was to design a perfume bottle using IC3D software and then create a box to go along with it. I themed my perfume after my favorite song at the time, Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles. The bright colors of the flowers and watermelon on the box were to evoke a fruity, floral, fun feel to the design to represent some of the “smells” that would have been in the perfume if it was a real product. I added the cutout on the box because I thought it would be a great way to showcase the design of the bottle inside. The bottle itself consists of three butterflies on top of each other. I really wanted the bottle to have many extruded elements so each bit on the butterfly is extruded from the surface of the bottle. The bottle itself has ridges and curves in order to give it a unique shape, I did not want something basic like a rectangle or circle. This project was beyond fun, I was able to really get into my craft and create something unique. I learned so much about 3D software as well as actual box making doing this.

For this project I also had to create a website for my perfume company.

Click the button below to be taken to my Wix site.

Cup Project

The purpose of this project was to design a cup print as well as a box for the cup to go into. For this project I decided to make the theme one of my favorite music artists, Harry Styles. For the cup design I wanted to keep it simple with a silhouette of him and I made him have a polkadot shirt so that it wasn’t just solid black. For the box designs I wanted to add more color. We were only required to create one box design but I decided it would be fun to do two that way I could have an inverted version. For the first box I did all of the background panels of my box a different color using a bright pastel pallet. For the second version I decided to do all the backgrounds black and have the artwork be colored. For the artwork I wanted to do line art because that is my favorite style of art and I felt it would be a good choice to allow the colors to come through. This project was challenging because I had so many lines that needed to matchup when the top of the box was placed onto the bottom of the box. I had to do a lot of measuring and revisions before the box was ready to print, and even then I had to do a few more revisions to perfect it. This is the project i am most proud of because i feel like I took initiative to go the extra mile and really challenge myself and my capabilities.


email address: [email protected]

Site by Hannah Nations